Measures to Mitigate the Impact of COVID-19 on Our Sustainable Business Operations

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is impacting everyone and our world today. By the very dynamic nature of the pandemic, some people are affected disproportionately. In order to mitigate the negative impact on our employees, operations and value chain, we have taken a number of practical steps based on the science and data, and are convinced of our ability and commitment to keep our employees, partners and community safe and secured.
Our measures more broadly align with WHO, and specifically with local health authority public health recommendations, and consistent with our values and what we stand for. We are focused on three key strategies:
- Safeguarding the Safety of Everyone: By observing all applicable safety guidelines and personal prevention protocols by WHO, CDC and Local Health Authorities (MoH/Ghana Health Services). We have instituted a “No Mask, No Entry” policy at all our protected sites in collaboration with our clients, including other site-specific protocols that are always strictly adhered. All employees are always provided with the appropriate PPEs and mandatorily required to use them. Daily/weekly updates are received through existing mechanisms, and actions taken to address any non-compliance at any of our sites to assure full compliance of our measures.
- Effectively Providing Uninterrupted Service Delivery: Our delivery structure remains resilient to support our clients’ needs with enhanced technological leverage to provide ongoing technical, administrative, and operational support, and maintaining all recommended safety protocols.
- Contributing as a Responsible Business Operation to limit COVID-19 spread: By strictly limiting all in-person client engagements and meetings to the barest minimum, relying heavily on technology (virtual tools), making changes to all office spaces and sites, controlling employee gatherings, reducing travels to strictly essential trips, and providing humanitarian relief to support the welfare of affected children and frontline workers as part of our corporate social investments.