We maintain small to medium management status.
Management & Oversight
Our management team has extensive and direct experience in managing manned guarding operations with over 9000+ employees, maritime and offshore engagements, and emergency response through our JV partnerships and strategic collaborators across the African continent.
We permanently work to increase our network worldwide in order to offer the best projects to our potential clients using the best-known technology and local driven solutions. In other to assure confidence in our operations, we’ve signed and subscribe to international protocols governing the private security operations to ensure that we operate with acceptable security procedures within the confines of host country regulations and in compliance with recognized international standards. The team manages contracts and new start-up operations across remote regions, delivering projects of high security priority to a wide variety of organizations operating in different sectors.
Staff Acquisition Strategy
As part of our local content policy, and strategic focus on developing, utilizing and supporting local communities where our clients operate – we are particularly interested in engaging individuals from the host communities on “as-where basis” at all times. This is achieved by the identification of suitable candidates through a robust selection and screening process; and presents an equal opportunity for all suitably qualified individuals, same time provides a larger pool of individuals to be screened to meet the job and Company demands.
Local Content Policy
We have extensive experience of supporting our clients in meeting their own contractual Local Content obligations, specifically those working within the Oil & Gas industries where this is often required under regulatory frameworks. Our first-hand experience of the challenges, and opportunities, local content inclusion can bring to a project puts us in an excellent position to advise on and support our clients’ local content programs. This frequently involves facilitating engagement with the local community and managing the recruitment and training of local security personnel. At present, we have recorded 100% local content participation for all our contract implementations in our respective operational areas across Africa.
We have in force an Insurance cover for our operations
Health, Safety and Regulatory Compliance
Our industry Compliance, ISO standards and Company policies allow us to deliver services safely, on time and to budget. We achieved 691,200 and 820,212 hours worked with a zero-work related injury in 2017 and 2018 respectively. This shows our track record to operational workplace safety standards underpinning our dedicated approach and ability to uphold our company’s standards. This approach ensures our customers operate effectively and unhindered in their operational targets. We follow a mandated Legal Compliance Process (LCP) to ensure the identification and adherence to applicable legal requirements within specific countries and territories. We have developed and adopted a standard operating procedure specifically designed to manage the training needs of our security guards to meet the specific needs of our operations; and reviewed periodically to address evolving challenges in a dynamic environment.
We remain the only indigenous founding local security company of the ICOCA in Geneva.
Industry Certification & Quality Assurance
LandMark Security has been actively involved in the development of recognised professional standards for the private security industry, both through our membership with the International Code of Conduct Association (ICOCA), ASIS Standards development; and our JV partner as one of the companies selected to participate in the ISO/PAS 28007:2012 UK pilot scheme. We remain the only indigenous founding local security company of the ICOCA in Geneva. Our integrated management system is currently been certified to the following internationally recognised standards:
- ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System.
- ISO 18788:2015 – Private Security Operations Management System.
- ANSI/ASIS PSC 1:2012 – Private Security Company Quality Assurance Management System.
- ISO 28000:2007 – Security Management for the Supply Chain.
- ISO 28007:2015 – Guidelines for Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSC) providing privately contracted armed security personnel (PCASP) on board ships.
- OHSAS 18001:2007 – Occupational Health & Safety Management.