Structure & Reporting Procedures
Situation reports and updates from the field are regularly reviewed by our supervisors and then forwarded to the Central office at HQ. Feedback and command systems to better secure our clients also reach our personnel on duty to respond accordingly.

Use of Technology
With GIS/GPS technology at our disposal, every property is geocoded and mapped in our central system to facilitate easy deployment and management of our security personnel. It also allows our clients to rapidly access help from the closest LandMark security personnel, with their geocoded results in times of distress.This technolo
gy also helps us facilitate rapid response in case of emergency and promotes efficient monitoring and surveillance of our clients. LandMark security guards are well equipped with the requisite logistics, communication equipment, motivated, well trained, and work within a well-defined and accepted standard operating procedure that meets international standards.

Effective and Ingenious Management
We recognize that the fundamental key to our business success is our effective and creative management skills. Through comprehensive policies and procedures, staff managers and supervisors have the ability to lead and formulate a company environment where each employee’s internal motivation can flourish.
Management understands and admits that in order to provide total quality service to all of our clients, we must provide total quality support to our employees first. As a service delivery organization, our personnel are well trained and equipped, motivated, supervised and specifically selected for each assignment, depending on our client’s unique requirements.

Response Planning
Our responses are always prompt to our client’s security advantage. In the event of a security violation, the guard on duty will contact his immediate supervisor, the supervisor then scales up to the appropriate National body, depending on the magnitude of the breach. In addition, the guard monitors or patrols the premises regularly to make sure that no breaches have occurred.
The supervisor has a 30 minutes response policy during office hours and a 45minutes response policy at all other times to deal with serious incidents.